2500 words
oh (indicates understanding) | oh (indicates doubt) | to chant
hey; interjection for calling attention
hey/hi (loanword); oh; alas;
(used to persuade somebody to do something); (particle indicating obviousness) | (colloqial) what?
guy; chap; tool; weapon
sentence-final particle: a contraction of 了 (le) and 啊 (a); (onomatopoeia)
hey; to feed | hello (on the phone)
wow; (sound of crying or vomiting) | (used for 啊 after words ending with u or ao)
ask a favor; request; please!
that's all; nothing more
lady; madam; Mrs.; wife
dead body; corpse; carcass
scene (of event or incident); on the spot
prison; jail
(spoken) what
to die; death; be dead
have; possess
murderer; assassin; assailant
butt; rear; rump
athlete; contestant; player
vote; poll
to tell lies
weapon; arms
to vow; to pledge; swear
one's thoughts; mind; intention; willingness to accept new ideas
realize; consciousness; awareness; sense
trail; clues; hints; thread (of a story)
to smash; to pound; to break; fail
be missing; be unaccounted for
the actual facts; reality
afraid; terror
sex appeal; sexy; sexuality
signify; to mean; imply
business transaction; deal; trade
disgusting; nauseous; make somebody embarrassed (èxīn: bad/vicious habit; vice)
a dance
vice-; secondary; auxiliary; deputy; assistant; classifier for pairs (i.e. glasses)
event; happening; incident
to attack; accuse; to charge
to try; to attempt
eliminate (in a competition); natural selection; die/phase out
bullet; cartridge
drugs; narcotics; poison
surprise attack; to raid
soul; spirit; conscience
explode; explosion; blow up
thing; toy; gadget
to stare; to gaze
silly; stupid
follow somebody's tracks; tail; shadow
kidnap; stalking
customer; account; client
a general (military officer)
province; sub-prefecture; (United States) state
not at all; completely without; not in the least
to arrest; to capture
oversee; to monitor
to warn; admonish
to try; attempt
to erect; to build; travel by (car, plane, etc.); to hang; to join
team up; cooperate; work together
to handle; deal with
ranks; troops
comrade; gay (slang)
army troops
ensure; guarantee
play/mess around with; juggle
to fight; to battle; to struggle
open up; reveal; to display
make progress; development; make headway
be happy/willing do something; content; satisfied
forgetful; scatterbrained
fire; lay off; dismiss from
time; era; period of time
fear; dread; phobia
surprised; astonished; astound
undertaking; project; cause; enterprise
unimaginable; inconceivable
legal case; judicial case
file; record; archive
agreement; pact; protocol
rob; looting
price; cost; expense
betray; forsake
paradise; heaven
release; set free; liberate (a prisoner)
implementation; carry out; execute
report (an incident) to the police
to break; to fracture; convert into; to fold | lose money | turn/roll over
persecute; to torture
to roll (up); to coil; (mw for tapes) | rolled document; file
(mw for boats and ships)
intelligence; information-gathering
thorn; to sting; to prick; pierce; stab
violence; (use) force
sacrifice (one's life, etc.)
angry; indignant; furious; anger; indignation; wrath; ire
baby infant
pagoda; tower
firm belief; faith; believe in (a religion)
devil; demon; monster
lonely; solitary
penalty; punishment; to punish; to penalize
miraculous; magical; mystical
pound; weigh; scale
to promise; to undertake
a spy; intelligence agent
confident; be certain of; to firmly believe
groan; snort; to hum; croon
awkward; embarrassed
organism; living creature; life form
energy; capabilities
clear-headed; sober; regain consciousness
hope for; count on; hope
dye; to catch (a disease)
infection; infect; influence
discard; abandon; dump (sb)
beautiful (when describing a work of art); wonderful; splendid
(informal) beat; hit; (regional) smash; break
be good at; be expert in
to bear; endure; tolerate
get to work; to touch; strike a blow
cleanup; put in order; check up
finish; end; complete
structure; organization; institution
will shortly; soon; be on the verge of
difficult; arduous
honest; forthcoming; to confess
philanthropic; benevolent; charitable
vestige; trace
area; region; district
camera shot (in a movie, etc.); scene; camera lens
alliance; union; coalition
put (someone) to trial; to try somebody
base (of operations)
to be jealous; to envy, covet; to hate; to begrudge
rock and roll
nanny; housekeeper
to fight; scuffle; to come to blows
natural talent
to strike; to hit; to attack
similar; analogous
passion; strong emotion; fervor; enthusiasm
injection; inject (medicine)
to shift; divert; migrate
break away; free oneself from; cast off
assistant; helper
keep secret/confidential
roof beam; (mw for buildings)
charming; enchanting; cute
besides; except; remove; to divide (mathematics)
expel; to discharge; to kick out
confusion; chaotic
communication; to contact
talent; gift; a genius; talented
to launch; to shoot (a projectile); to fire (a rocket)
exist; survive
conclusion; ending
other people; others; they; I; family; household
motive; motivation; intention
deceive; to cheat; to dupe
really isn't
play the part of; act
universe; cosmos
script for a play; opera; movie; etc
confirm; verify
to fasten; to button; button; buckle; knot; to arrest; to confiscate; to deduct (money); discount; to knock; put upside down; to smash or spike (a ball); to cover (with a bowl etc); fig. to tag a label on sb
opportune time; opportunity
speak in defense of; argue in favor of; defend
at the minimum; at the very least
conceal; hide; (a taboo subject); cover up
would rather; better
to thirst for; to long for; to yearn for
slip away; to skate; to glide
outer space
perish; ruin; destroy
expression or emotion showing in one's eyes
eccentric; grotesque; oddly
attack (military); assault
retaliate; revenge
ridiculous; nonsensical
to dial; move with a hand/foot; stir; poke; allocate (money)
hope; expectation
jeer; mock; scoff
to offend
baby; child; doll
to reach (an agreement); achieve
married couple; husband and wife
run for (electoral) office; take part in an election
intimate; close; familiarity
to cut (apart/off)
uniform; to subdue; to bring under control
live broadcast (not recorded)
collapse; crumble; fall apart
to ride; to mount; make use of; multiply
sink into; get caught up in; land in (a predicament)
repayment; payback
experiment; test
exceptional; abnormal
disease; illness; sickness; ailment
come out; emerge; express; show
compel; to force
drop a hint; suggest
persons involved or implicated; party (to an affair)
desperation; forlorn; hopeless
dejected; depressed; dispirited
disaster; catastrophe
justice; righteous
honor; glory
skill; technique
propose; suggest
central; middle; center
even if; even though
secret; classified (information)
honest; loyalty; devoted
corridor; hallway
symptom (of an illness)
at that time; at the outset; originally
take care (of oneself)
shock; astonish; amaze
resist; to revolt
heart; soul; smart; quick-witted
cover; shield; screen
energy; vitality; vigor
innate; inherent; natural
(mw for coins, rings, medals)
incessantly; more than
adviser; consultant
barrier; obstacle
maintain; preserve
conservative (ideas, estimates, politically, etc.); to guard; to keep
person in charge of (a position, etc.); preside over; Chief Operating Officer (COO)
-ism; ideology
can; jar; pot; pitcher; jug
law and order; public security
sign; mark; symbol
sell; betray; sell out
lose consciousness; be in a coma
early in the morning
to insult; humiliate
expose; reveal; lay bare
brutal; bloody; merciless
make a model; to mold
mark; indication; sign
divine; holy; sacred
depot; storehouse; warehouse
dock; wharf
I; me; myself; oneself; in person
at the worst; if worst comes to worst; serious, alarming
compensation; make up
impulsive; act on impulse
give an instrumental performance
withstand; resist; antagonize
itself; in itself; per se
endure; to boil
care about; mind; care
pay a visit; call on
to reward (as encouragement)
slaughter; butcher; govern; rule; imperial official in dynastic China
race; ethnicity
eliminate; perish; wipe out
delight; pleasure; joy; fun
to abuse; maltreat; tyrannize
to lick
salary; wage; pay; stipend
reason; intellect; rational
to block off; to seal off; cordon off; blockade
(professional) position
hateful; abominable; repulsive
definite; exact; precise
to support; assist; aid
to prick; push a needle into; penetrating | to tie | to struggle
suppress; inhibit; stifle
to rehearse
comment on; discuss; remark
fund; endowment
to surrender
inspiration; insight; a burst of creativity in scientific or artistic endeavor
comics; manga
predict; prophecy
corner; nook
tactics; plot
leadership; to lead; be in front
equipment; to equip; to outfit
rogue; hooligan; gangster
statement; declare; proclaim
eliminate; get rid of; remove
complete a contract; clinch a deal; to seal
an empress
fire-fighting; fire prevention and control
roar; howl
to start; to launch; mobilize
group; bloc; circle; clique
assist; to help
power; motion; impetus; driving force
a plot; a conspiracy
an association; a society
throat; larynx
break out; erupt; explode
cast blame on; to frame
take aim (a weapon at a target)
as one wishes; according to one's wishes
beyond belief; preposterous; absurd; intemperate
plot; scheme; bring about
make up for a deficiency; remedy; offset
party; club; association
source; originate
judgment (by a court of law); adjudicate
trap; snare
just; fair
rely on; depend on
to entrust; to trust; to ensign; to commission
dog (Kangxi radical 94)
conflict; clash
indicate; instruct; instructions
put on make-up
end; beginning; extremity; carry holding something from the sides
base; mean; despicable; contemptible; unprincipled
person; public figure
weak; fragile; flimsy; frail
encroach on; infringe on; violation
organ; apparatus
put to the test; trial
worship; adore
desire; lust
to gamble
plight; unfavorable situation
inherit; carry on; succeed
to sway; to shake | to dazzle; to flash past
employ; hire
insulate; separate; isolate
(to ) attempt; try; attempt
incapable of action; powerless; impotent
to struggle
male adult; robust; cubes (of food); T-shaped (4th Heavenly Stem)
harass; disturb; molest; cause a commotion
hard to take; endure; embarrassed
allow; permit; permission
report; give an account of; to collect information and report back
excessive; exceeding; lavishly
to prompt; to present; to point out; to draw attention to sth; hint; brief; cue
surround; encircle; hem in
to mix; to blend
arms; equipment; to arm
divulge; to reveal; leak out
to struggle; to fight for; to battle
elect; election
sufficient to ...; so much so that; sufficiently
privacy; personal secret
to whirl; to spin; rotate
pass through; cut across
look back; to review
gaiety; glee; delighted
link; sector; segment (of annelid worms)
foster; bring up; raise
a (diplomatic or other) mission
alcohol; ethanol
occasion; situation
model; mould; matrix; pattern
communication; correspondence; news dispatch
remove; relieve (someone of their duties); sack; get rid of
to give
typical case; model
forge; to fake; to counterfeit
conceal; cover up; hide behind
unite; hold a rally; join forces
lie on one's stomach
to raise; to become warped | stick up; bend upwards
tempt; temptation; entice; lure; attract
to (bear a) burden; carry; a load
tire (of a wheel)
group; organization; team
trend; tendency; inclination
befall; suffer; encounter
to rule (a country); govern; governance
edge; fringe; verge; brink
resident; inhabitant
position; standpoint
will; willpower; determination
circumstances; situation
benevolent; kindhearted; charitable
matchless; incomparable
guided missile; cruise missile
all along; the whole time; constantly; always
break through; breakthrough
ability; skill; capability; (-shì: this matter; literary source)
order; command; instruction
oil; petroleum
miserable; tragic
model; pattern; method
storm; violent commotion
ignore; forget about; neglect
outward appearance; external; outside
extra; added; additional
interfere; obstruction
to defend; protect; to guard
to lead along; to pull (an animal on a tether)
to bully; intimidate
to rescue; retrieve; to remedy
heavy drinking; drink to excess; binge drink
to separate oneself from; to break away from; be divorced from; diastasis (medicine); abscission; abjunction (botany)
rhythm; cadence; tempo
risk one's life; desperately; with all one's might
operate; manipulate
plot; circumstances
screen (TV, etc.)
simplified Chinese characters
hang; suspend
too much; excessively
breathe out; scold
a well
to visit; call on; to interview
cell (biology)
vehement; fervent; generous
potential; capacity
action; act; (make) a move; movement
dove; pigeon
to protest; protest
anniversary; annual
wealth; riches; fortune
to censure; criticize; find fault with
weep; cry; sob
nephew; brother's son or daughter
put up with; tolerate; condone
dregs; slag
eliminate; get rid of
dignity; sanctity; honor
companion; partner; mate
suffer; suffering; be subjected to (something unfortunate)
tumor; neoplasm
odor; scent
issue; announce; release
sufferer; patient; the sick
taste; flavor; the way one feels
technique; trick; skill; tact
involve; relate to; to touch upon (a topic)
conquer; subdue
practice fraud; cheat
retaliate; to revenge; avenge
entire body; from head to foot
collect; keep
arrange; decorate; decoration
leak (information); divulge
to be fascinated
celebration; ceremony
all; each and every; in all cases
resist; resistance
(military) tactics
operate; control; manipulation
aspect; situation
set up; install; to fit
wonderful; fantastic
eliminate; remove; clear up (abstract things)
acting (temporarily filling a position); agent
prevent; protect; guard against; avoid
purely; pure
scene; occasion
nest; den
(mw for houses, buildings); tent | ancient pennant/streamer; Buddhist stone pillar
surpass; exceed; transcend
obviously; plainly; undoubtedly
first; original; primitive
to not hesitate; not spare
paternal grandfather
eternal; everlasting
weak point; failing
make a complaint; appeal to a court
high tide; upsurge; climax; chorus (of a song)
drag; haul | drag | to throw; to fling
blaze; flame
to obey; to comply
faith; belief; conviction
to bribe
sign (an agreement)
malfunction; breakdown
cabin; hold (of a ship or airplane)
fight; go to war; fight a battle
create; to produce; creative work
to scatter; disperse; distribute
how/why (contraction of 怎么) | to bite down
befall; descend; arrive; come
brown (the color)
speculate; conjecture; surmise
official; (by the) government
tomb; sepulcher
folk tune; music; melody
to implement; put into effect; carry out
lord; nobility; nobleman; noblewoman
allegation; assertation; to declare; to state
open wide
border, frontier
conceal a fault; gloss over
defend; to safeguard; defense; maintain
the end; end point; destination; finish line (in a race)
barbarous; uncivilized; cruel; wild
loathe; to hate; detest
blame; rebuke
very long; endless
support; sponsor
anticipate; to forecast; expectation
timely; just when, (dàng) proper
morally degenerate; become depraved
merge; annex
lose face; be disgraced
year (e.g. school year, fiscal year, etc.); annual
machine; mechanical
detain (a prison); keep (someone) in custody
brake (when driving); stop; switch off
judge; to referee; judgment
to patrol (police, army or navy)
uproar; rumble; noise; static
split up; to divide; separate
to vomit; retch; nausea
(a feeling of) shame
clean; unpolluted; purity
to threaten
orbit; railway; trajectory
line of sight; view line
string together; conspire; gang up; mix up; bunch
inherit; hereditary
blood pressure
full of; complete; 100 percent
take with; portable
inspect; examine; to test
guard; defend; protect
in light of; in view of; seeing that
misunderstand; misread
to shake
(make an) exception
jump; leap; bound; skip
pick (flowers); pinch; clutch
get a doggy bag (at a restaurant); pack up
condition; plight; extent
defend; to safeguard
defense; resist; to guard
vainly hope; wishful thinking; delusion
give a name; to dub; christen; naming
affairs; work
judicial; (administration of) justice
reward; remuneration
sound of activity; activity
give consideration to; consider (other people's) needs
human nature; humanity
to lose; to forfeit
bed; store | to spread; to lay
crude; coarse; rough; language
to guide; to lead
shift; move
be too impatient to wait
go diving
glory; honor
violate; go against
get close to; in sequence | to suffer
heritage; legacy
in the twinkling of an eye; in an instant; momentary
decent; serious; standard; really
look upon; regard
amaze; astonished
personality; moral integrity; character
(line) of thought; thinking
advanced (technology); to advance
rank; level; grade
race; contest; competition
cushion; to pad; pay for somebody and expect to be repaid
revolution; revolutionary (politics); cause great social change; rise in revolt; take part in revolution
to guide; to conduct; introduction
rock; stone
to puzzle; confuse; mystify
interfere; intervene; meddle
academic degree; educational level
to dislike; suspicion; grudge
suspicion; (be) suspected (of)
cross; intersect; overlap
feel puzzled; bewildered
head of state
man's world; the world
restoration; repair
maintain (that sth. is true); firmly believe
arrive; to reach (a destination); touch down
grieved; sorrowful; sad
pit; hole; defraud
discover; detect
reside; dwell; to live (in a place)
appear; emerge; present (a certain appearance)
identify; distinguish; discern
wait; queue
mistake; lapse; miss
settlement; to become reconciled
element; element of a set; chemical element
greedy; avaricious
convey; transmit; communicate
cool; calm; unperturbed
clear; distinct; clarity
to pinch (with one's fingers); knead
anesthesia; to corrupt (someone's mind)
bacteria; virus; germ
apparatus; (scientific) instrument
outstanding; preeminent
enlarge; amplify
habitually in the past; as one used to do; as it used to be
intimate; affectionate; warm
humor; wit; humorous
be born; come into being
faithful; dependable
symbol; mark; sign
appoint; designate
so that; in order to
appraise; identify; evaluate
jump; bounce; hop
steal; pilfer
to market; sell
swear an oath (of office); make a vow
requirement; demand (economics)
pan-fry; fry in shallow oil
cause a disturbance; look for trouble
fool; coax; to amuse (a child) | tumult; uproar | roars of laughter
material benefits; welfare; well-being
banishment; expel; deport
implicate; involve
explore; quest
circular cycle; loop; circulate
financial affairs
situation; state (of affairs)
movement; be in motion; run
stop; cease; terminate (legal)
appearance; form; approximation
canyon; ravine; gorge
to land; come ashore; sign/log in
implied meaning; connotation
subsidy; provide financial aid
excavate; dig; unearth
prolong; protraction; delay; stall; procrastinate
priority; preferential
in the past; formerly
fight over; vie for; scramble for
confer upon; bestow; endow; entrust (a task)
avoid; shun; evade
vigilant; alert; be on guard
to compromise; reach terms
accurate; precise
paper money; bill
deduction; to deduce; to infer
depend on; be dependent on
become addicted; get into a habit
electric power supply
intent; intention; intend
firm; staunch; resolute
listen attentively; heed (other people's opinions)
resort to; play with; engage in
bridegroom; groom
fairy tale
instruct; instructions; to tell; to order (to do something)
nobly; lofty
assure; take care of; surely
dismiss; dissolve; disband
focus; focal point
without any sense of shame; shameless; audaciousness
still (remaining); remain (the same); yet
the most important; chief; principal
pulse; throbbing
to seal; to close; confine
smuggle; have an illicit affair
a way out; outlet
fish out (from pocket)
witness; see first hand
worsen; deteriorate
obstruct; hinder; impede
control; monitor; supervise; inspect
childish; naïve; immature
constitution; charter
honor; reputation; prestige; face
urge; encourage; motivation
discriminate (against someone)
limit; extreme boundary
strict; severe
special; specific; designated
port; harbor
to expose; to make public
to assault; rush at; throw oneself on
quote; cite
pure; unadulterated; cleanse
perception; consciousness; feeling
constrain or repress one's emotions; inhibition; repressive
drift about; wander
publish; to issue; distribute
distant; remote
reverse or salvage (a situation); redeem; retrieve
way; channel
put one's hand to; commence
to show off; flaunt
be talkative (especially about trivial matters); be garrulous; prattle
sight; vision; view
to waver; to wag; to sway
calm; cool; tranquil
to handle; take care of; punish
fame; reputation; honor; honorary
ensure; to guarantee; protect
dissect; analyze; anatomy
rot; become gangrenous
statistics; to tally; to add up
to tie; to bind; restrain; (mw for bunches, bundles, bouquets, etc.)
container; receptacle; vessel
criminal; penal
melt; thaw; dissolve; blend into
blank space; blank
dredge up; fish up
hunt; to go hunting
step across; stride; straddle; to cross
homeland; motherland; fatherland
consecrate; dedicate; devote
location; place
cause somebody's death; very; extremely; frighteningly; annoyance
with utmost care; meticulous; detailed
bed sheet
persistent; stubborn
grim; unfeeling; callous
example; model
harmonious; concordant
reluctantly; grudgingly; force sb. to do sth.
to correct; to make right
clause (of contract or law)
concern; look after; keep an eye on
to damage; injure
to pack; package; make up
interrupt; break off
bravery; heroic; valiant; gallant
a grain; granule; (mw for grain-like things)
(mw for acts or deeds); foreign
guarantee; vouch for
repay; requite
approve; accept; ratify
power; influence
property; assets
occupy (a territory); capture; seize
hunger; hungry; starve
destroy (by melting or burning)
watch attentively; gaze at; stare
public finances; financial
higher authorities; superiors
a defect; a flaw; disfigurement
knock; tap
hold in (urine); hold (breath); choke
difference; disparity
to curb; to put a stop to
as before; still
position; place
expression of (political) opinion; speech
serve sb. right; deservedly; ought
appropriate; suitable; proper
body fat
cassette tape
collapse; fall down; crumple
bury (person)
occupy; hold; inhabit
gorgeous; magnificent
to answer; to reply
horizontal; across; (horizontal character stroke) | harsh; unexpected
a post; a job
premise; precondition
rays of light; brilliant rays; radiance
expose; unmask
recently; lately
instance; analogy; example
yield; give in; submit
membrane; film
defraud; swindle; blackmail
right and wrong; truth and fiction; quarrel
brand new
expensive; costly
lottery; lottery ticket
fulfill (one's obligations); carry out
heavy; hard; serious
family member; a dependent
recycle; recover and put back to use
laboratory test; chemically examine
rehearse; practice; put on a play
to bind; restrict; to tie
melancholy; dejected
commonplace; ordinary
do at all costs; make an all-out effort
dawn; daybreak
stubborn; obstinate
sell; peddle; (often derogatory) to traffic in
to splash; to spill; rude and unreasonable; brutish
metaphor; analogy; figure of speech
so as not to; so as to avoid
leaflet; flier; pamphlet
coordinate; harmonize
very much; extremely
follow; followed
rare; rarely seen; peculiar
reason; cause
at first; originally; in the beginning
peaceful; calm; tranquil; composed
cash a check; honor a commitment
make things difficult for someone; embarrassed
corruption; corrupt; rotten
to sb.'s face; in sb.'s presence
at the scene; on the spot
a short period of time
oil paint; varnish
position; direction; points of the compass; bearing
the past events; former happenings
distinguish; differentiate; resolve
hard to come by; difficult to get; rare
to splash
grievance; old rivalry; mixture of gratitude and resentment
contribution; credit
administration; administrative
find a place for; help settle down; arrange for
plaintiff; complainant; accuser
trust; have confidence in; confide
to fall down; to drop
military campaign; battle
beat up; hit
authority; authoritative
repay; reimburse
work style; way
to strike; go on strike
IQ (intelligence quotient)
to step; stride
pocket; bag; wrap up (in a piece of cloth); move around (in a circle); canvass (solicit); take responsibility
enforce; control; coerce
teacher-training; pedagogical; normal (school)
convenient; easy; facilitate
cooking; culinary arts
(of liquid) settle; become clear; {chemistry} precipitate
spread; proliferation
expect; expected; anticipate
defect; fault
to spare no efforts; do one's utmost
according to; basis; foundation
wring; to pinch | disagree; mistaken | (regional) stubborn
design; pattern
plan; program; project
good at; adept
posterity; later generations; descendants
to sail; to fly
support; prop up; crutch; brace
to refuse to change one's viewpoint
to drain; to drip; drench | to filter; to strain
compatriot; fellow countryman
accompany; go with; follow
marsh; swamp; glade; wetlands
ancestor; forbearer
(Law) case
toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly); do something over and over again; cause suffering; play crazy; screw around
get angry; irritated; annoy
dignity; honorable; face
pay a visit; look around
slow (witted); stupid; dull
the outside world; external
rather; quite; inclined to one side
principle; standard or norm; criterion
situation; existing state of affairs
to cover
initial; preliminary; tentative
demonstrate; lead the way; show how something is done
before; previously
boundary; border
picky; fastidious
fly; hover
order the arrest of a criminal
hoodlum; rascal; rogue; rascally; scoundrelly
so as not to; in order to avoid; lest
totally; completely
pair up; arrange in pairs; to add sth. into a group; to suit
disturb; perturb; harass
food and drink; diet
in demand; popular; in vogue
examine; investigate; censorship
denounce; condemn; criticize
false; hypocritical; artificial; sham
to survey; to measure
overthrow; topple
might; power that invokes fear
to salute; best regards
to brag; (regional) to chat
distinguish; identify; recognize
specially for; with the special intention of
to arouse; excite
all day long; all the time
attitude; posture; stance
to reward
get rich
banking finance; financial
boundary; marginal; limit
try; taste a small amount; to sample
pill; pellet
sculpture; a statue; a Buddhist image
conceal; hide; covert; under cover; Take cover!
gesture; sign; signal
adequate; sufficient; abundant
man-made; manpower; manual work
the masses; multitude
distribute; emit
tone of voice; manner of speaking
public relations
industry; estate; property
gather; collect
ponder; (also zhuómó: to polish (gems or literary works))
temperament; disposition
melody; tune; rhythm
quality; character
appoint and nominate
controversy; dispute; contention
turn upside down; upend
(do) arithmetic; count
degree; rate
current situation; status quo
tolerant; lenient
captive; prisoner
horn; trumpet; loudspeaker
odd; baffling; unaccountable
flag; banner
time limit; deadline; allotted time
intelligence; intellect
probe; take readings; detect; explore
difference (of opinion/position)
user; consumer; subscriber; customer
be elected
abnormal; unusual
former; original
in writing; written (guarantee, etc.)
remote control
tremble; to shiver; to shake
hollow; emptiness; meaningless
(strongly) dislike
splendor; radiance; brilliance; honor
tracks; trail; footprint; trace; vestige
pale; wan; pallid
to reject; repulse; exclude
be busy; bustling
veto; reject; overrule
explain; account for; hand over
imagine; consider; tentative plan
in the end; after all is said and done; eventually
vision; eyesight
continue; last longer
intrinsic; innate
sample; specimen
show restraint; endure; exercise patience
to implement; put into practice; carry out
the years of a person's life
gnaw; nibble; bite
restrict; limit to; constrain; restriction
be destroyed; perish; exterminate; become extinct
specialty; special knowledge or ability
dispose; deploy
explain; justify; defend (a point of view, etc.)
compound; synthesis; mixture
be on duty; work a shift
write down; to record
remedy; repair
system; setup
beaten; exhausted; tired
take effect; become effective
moderate; warm; (-huo: lukewarm)
upbringing; education; bring up; nurture and train
ambush; lie in ambush
to furnish; provide; to supply
(a sense of) uncertainty; to feel unsure about something; uncertainty
title; header; headline; caption
fight; struggle; wrestle
gently caress and stroke; to pet; to fondle
in spite of; regardless of; to disregard
dazzle; to shine
pick up; ten (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
nasal mucus; snivel
superstition; be superstitious
to flatter
to glitter; brilliant; splendid
early morning
family background; class origin
ambition; wild schemes or ambitions; careerism
stare at; to glower
(financial) quarter; period of three months
arbitrarily; at will; at random
(idiom) it goes without saying; certainly; of course; be natural and right
field of vision
post; a position; job; duties
to crash; break up
to remain; be left over; surplus; remnant
provoke; defiance
drift apart; keep at a distance; not in close touch; estranged
to spread out; vendor's stand; booth; fry; (mw for puddles)
go on a journey; leave
fair; equitable
splendid; glorious
extend; spread; to creep
wings; fins on fish; shelter
keen; sharp; acute; brisk
dig up; pull down; take off | to rake; to steal
work for; devote one's efforts
seal up; pressurize
a sensation; a stir
wink; blink
hear (a case)
call out (a name etc.); shout
set up; establish
bow string; string of musical instruments
delay; extend; postpone
the North Pole
evaporate; evaporation
vertical; to erect; vertical stroke
blindness; aimless
attack; impact; a shock
frequently; often
to fear; foreboding
allocate; control; govern; dominate
certificate; credentials
time and again; often; frequently
spectacular; grand (of buildings, monuments, scenery, etc.)
restrain; take a firm hold on
cost (manufacturing, production, etc.)
think of; long for; to miss
return something; revert
residence; tenement
be gratified; satisfied
treaty; pact
hold or carry with both hands facing up
to pare/peel with a knife; to cut; to chop
consistent; constant; from start to finish; then as now
a share (in a company) stock
invasion; encroachment; invade
plump; well developed; plentiful; Fengman district of Jilin City, Jilin Province
jade (Kangxi radical 96)
to replace the old with new; to renew; to renovate; to upgrade; to update; to regenerate; to rejuvenate
reasoning; speculative; inference
to award; confer
crutch; walking stick
inspect and verify
enormous; huge; tremendous
stockpile; to store
tide; current; trend
to carry on one's shoulder | to raise aloft with both hands
pace back and forth; hesitate; waver
bundle wrapped in cloth; burden around one's neck
side; profile; flank; face in profile
by fair means or foul
foam; (soap bubble); (economic) bubble
friction; clash (between two parties); conflict; rub
defend; uphold; safeguard
level; rank order; standing; layer
memorandum; aide-memoire; diplomacy memorandum; memorandum book
beforehand; prior
assist; aide
take precautions; be on the alert
principle; theory
split in two; to divide | hack; chop; split
strict; closely-knit; tight
wake up; regain consciousness
irrigation ditch; medium or channel of communication
almost; nearly; close to
innovate; innovation
current; modern; present
run quickly; speed; Mercedes-Benz (German vehicle manufacturer)
to shape; mould; figure
disinfect; sterilize
earnings; profit
happy; cheerful
moreover; besides; in addition
to scatter; disseminate; to spread
catch; to seize
unexpectedly; contrary to expectations
paralysis; palsy; numbness
sharp (i.e. a knife blade); incisive; to the point
clumsy; awkward; stupid
emergency relief; aid; help out in a disaster
offend; a faux pas
outrageous; ridiculous; absurd
brilliant; wise
grand; prosperous; ceremonious
give in; concede; yield
branch; twig; (mw for sticks, rods, pencils)
opportunity; stroke of good luck; favorable circumstance
slander; libel
to reverse; turn around (an undesirable situation)
expectation; to anticipate; to think ahead
reputation; fame
awkward; unnatural
choose; select; sort out
recover; heal; the more ... the more
happy; joyous
differentiate; find differing aspects; find the difference between
clever; quick-witted; smartness
(Electronic) speakers; acoustics; sound field (i.e., in a room or theater)
exquisite; delicate; refined
deformity; handicapped; crippled
rescue; to save
knob; handle; grip
expenditures; pay; expenses
until now; so far; to date
stockholder; shareholder
give birth; to rear; bring up (children)
use up; consume
develop; growth
elegant demeanor; grace; poise; style
let down; disappoint; fail to live up to
tired; weary
evil person who commits crimes; villain; gangster
variety; speckled; spot; colored patch; stripe
to decompose; to resolve; to break down
just as in the past (idiom); as before; continuing as always
poor; impoverished
hometown; homeland; birthplace
regime; political power; authority
commanding officer
retort; refute
reflex; reflection (from a mirror, etc.)
inside story; non-public information; behind the scenes
hammer; weight
persecute; persecution
(pronoun) everyone; ladies and gentlemen
absence; absent; default
porridge; congee; gruel
to flee; to escape; run away
describe; portray
parallel; concurrent
meddle; intervene; intervention
to bow
harmonious; friendly relations
as before; (same) as usual
to hug; to embrace | graft (money); solicit; to gather; to collect
competition; to have a contest with sb.
extinguish; go out (of fire); die out; extinction
knead; to massage; to rub
(loan, wage, price) freeze
decide; take the responsibility for a decision
despise; disdain; look down upon
tailor; dressmaker
inspect; investigate; analyze
vegetables; vegetarian food
submerge; drown; to flood
radiate; radioactive
to form a partnership
public affairs; official business
radiance; brilliant; glory
a natural scenic view; sight
offend; violate
main point; essential
go to court
crumbs; filings; worth while
serve; wait upon; act as a valet
to entertain (guests)
model; exemplar
outline a story; make preliminary sketch
sever; break off
bring or take (along); deliver (a message) | draw back a little; (of a horse or mule) shy
there is no harm in; might as well
pay attention; emphasize; put stress on
heart and blood; painstaking effort; meticulous care
isolate; isolated
be involved in a crash; (have an) accident
to moan; to groan
follow; abide by
victory or defeat; the outcome of a battle
to plunder; rob; pillage
cannot bear/stand; utterly
proficient; have a good command of
meteorology; atmosphere; phenomenon
extend; spread; stretch
luxury; sumptuous; extravagant
to pant; gasp for breath
publish in a newspaper; carry a story
pace; (measured) step; march
setback; defeat; frustration
craft; workmanship; one's cooking
enlightenment; revelation
to cover the whole (area); found everywhere; spread all over
neglect; overlook; negligence
development; trend; dynamic state
Make policy; make strategic decision
forgive; pardon; spare
chain (store etc); to interlock
shell; conch; cowry
false; phony; pretense; deceit
treat with contempt
use fully; put to good use
fall; drop
heartfelt; wholehearted; cordial
cursory; careless; negligent; sloppy; not serious
urgent; urgency
to boil; boiling
(saying) think of or try every possible method; by all means possible
pretend to be (somebody or something else); pass (somebody or something) off as; impersonate
custom; tradition; (local) convention
sight see; tour
dispute; quarrel
to back up; a backup
substantial; rich; enrich; substantiate
reserves; store up
subordinate; underling
issue; promulgate; award
infiltrate; permeate
publicize; make public or well known
draft (a bill); draw up (plans)
origin; originate; come from
intelligent; capability; smart (phone, system, bomb, etc.)
appropriate; proper; pertinence
yearn for; look forward to
misgivings; apprehensions
happy; blissful
funds; expenses
exert (effort or pressure)
by luck; by a fluke
propagate; to breed; reproduce
pull back; shrink
admire; have great respect for
more or less; roughly; approximately
block; stop
currency; money
make known one's position; declare where one stands
take a bath; revel; immerse
set up; establish
feedback; send information back
informal note
leading; dominant; guiding
act against one's will; have no alternative
consult with; talk things over
cooling; cool off
administer; have jurisdiction (over)
wrinkle; furrow
ups and downs; with a wavy motion
envelop; to shroud; be masked by
send (on a mission); dispatch
expansion; extension
mountain range
remote and isolated; far from the city
adjust; regulate; reconcile
microphone; transmitter; megaphone
save; hoard | collect together; assemble
left-curving stroke (丿); throw; fling | cast away/aside; to neglect; abandon
break with both hands
duration; enduring; lasting; persistent
lofty; sublime
firm; strong; sturdy
must; need to; be sure to
physical resonance; sympathetic response to something
as everyone knows; (saying) as is known to everyone
omen, sign
center of gravity; central core; main part
to transfer; to maneuver (troops, etc.)
title; term of address
circumference; neighborhood; vicinity
cautious; careful; prudent
negligible; insignificant; not worth mentioning
complain; blame; connotes sb or sth is to blame
select the best; choose
investigate; look into; find out
make preparations; get ready for something
national defense
mate; consort; spouse
procession; ranks; queue
to associate (cognitively); to make an associative connection; mental association; word prediction and auto-complete functions of input method editing programs; abbr. for 联想集团 Lenovo Group (PRC computer firm)
hold a protest demonstration
superficial; float; hover; drift
resistance; refusal (to cooperate); boycott
lane; alley | channel; tunnel
outlook; future (prospects); foreground
to twinkle; to flicker; glimmer
focus excessively on; haggle; bicker; argue
nimble; agile; shrewd
cannot bear not; be dying to
abolish; annul; abrogate
arms and legs; the four limbs of the body
equipment; material
sense of smell; scent
punish; (economic) sanctions
contain; to ladle; to fill | flourishing; grand; abundant
sumptuous; lavish
to filter; filter
tiny; minute; negligible
erode; corrode; corrupt; rusty
carelessly; recklessly; casually
strong point; specialty
stir oneself up; raise one's spirits; inspire
to process; processing; machining
peak; summit; apex
correspond; relevant
express; reveal (one's thoughts or feelings)
set out on a journey
incline; lean; to slant; to slope; to tilt
get help from
lose; lose due to carelessness
obscure; confuse; mix up; blur; mislead; confusing
mettle; spirit; gumption
motorized; mobile; flexible
undertake; accept an assignment
to wrong; injustice; not worthwhile
go bankrupt; close down
achievement; deed
to force; compel; coerce
etiquette; proprieties; festival
rich; to prosper; wealthy
books; works
during; at the time of; the time when something happens
decide by vote; vote
dry and dull; uninteresting
to remember with concern; to be concerned about; to think about; to keep thinking about; to worry about
field; plain; flatlands
kindly; good-tempered; amiable
grow old; age; deteriorate
formal; regular; according to standards
breed; variety
post; announcement
pass on; convey; communicate
fine powder; dust
lift; raise in height
a plane (i.e. flat surface); type; category
blurt out; shout
to belittle; depreciate; disparage
empty; hollow; vacuous; devoid of content
plant; grow; crop
fierce; violent
love and respect
pillar; prop; mainstay; backbone
inquire into; explore
pyschology; mentality; spirit
care; solicitude; show care for; concerned about; attentive to
plait; braid; pigtail
chest (body part)
beard; moustache; whiskers
State Council (PRC); State Department (USA)
busy; bustling
among the people; popular; folk
aloof; indifferent; unconcerned; untouched
spacious; commodious
trademark; logo
endure hardships; have a hard time
empathize; express sympathy; allow (for something)
local flavor; local style
to cross a river by ferry; transition; interim
view; opinion; understanding
iron; press
on the verge of
origin; root; source
regularly; at regular intervals
bring together; make do in a bad situation; improvise
Perfect; sound; to perfect/strengthen/amplify
neutral; neutrality
understanding; make an allowance for; forgive
independent; to act for oneself; autonomous
eager; impatient; imperative
begin to develop; to launch
best seller; chart-topping; very marketable
just as; similar to; appearing to be
pattern; design; style
conclude; determine; figure out
wantonly; without any constraint
frequently; often; at any time
to shine; illuminate
to save; to deposit
to build; to construct; renovate
spiral; coil; circle; go around
orange (color); orange (fruit, tree)
lazy; idle
carefully; cautiously; with great care
tasty; taste good
in silence; not speaking
subject matter
waste; ruin; wreck; spoil; slander
to rust
cultural relic; historical relic
flexibility; elasticity
be intoxicated (with power, success, etc.)
give as a present
shore; seaside
farm crops
take office; assume a post
hold sth. in the mouth
every; any; all; without exception
outline; silhouette
develop; evolve
committee member; committee; council
carbon dioxide; CO2
standard (design or model); norm; without variation; to specify
to dry or warm by the fire; to bake; to heat by fire; to set off by contrast
sensitive (of an instrument); agile; acute
promote to a higher position
clear; distinct; evidently; clearly
atmospheric pressure; barometric pressure
happen by chance; coincidence
boundary; state; realm; level
oral; verbal
to found; establish
cannot help; can't refrain from
to station; to garrison (troops)
reason; sense
stately; dignified
acute; violent; severe
willful; headstrong
grim; severe; rigorous; harsh
hardworking; diligent; industrious
press down with the foot; step back or into something | step; stirrup; stairs
imposing manner; look of great force or imposing manner
call on (someone to do something); appeal
unclear; vague; unsure
gentleman; man of noble character
the reverse side of sth.; opposite side of a topic
distinction; excellence; splendid
serve as; play the part of
be worthy of; deserve to be called; prove oneself to be
comprehend; grasp; fathom
satisfy a craving; get a kick out of sth; do to one's heart's content
(Economics) capital; asset
to filter; to sift
free and easy
to place; put aside | to bear; endure
present day; contemporary
hard; solid
period; cycle; rhythm
(do something) openly; undisguised
make concerted efforts
excellent; superb
upsurge; (tensions, etc.) run high
tenacious; hard to defeat
to meet; come upon
experienced; senior
inner quality; basic essence; character quality
entrust somebody someone's care; consign; commit
substance; essence; gist
serene; composed
bright; fire (3rd Heavenly Stem)
take office
differentiate; distinguish
serious; solemn
in common use; interchangeable; General Motors
riddle; conundrum
despise; loathe; disparage; scorn
to support; endorse
particular number of people; quota
make purchases for an organization; go shopping
accept; adopt (idea, plan, proposal)
work; book; writing
part; passage; extract; fragment; snatch
stir; mix up
ugly; repulsive; odiousness
need not; (contraction of 不 and 用)
gentle; soft; mild
tact; quick-witted; resourceful
to seek; to look for
density; thickness; consistency
humanitarianism; humane
understand; comprehend; grasp
leak (information, liquid, etc); divulge; reveal
infer; a deduction; a corollary
just right; it's just perfect
main idea; general idea; gist
to leap
shake; to jolt; bump
position; battlefront
provide; outfit with; deploy
seasoning; flavoring
elite; best feature; most important part of an object; essence; quintessence
spend; pay out; expense
wide; open (spaces)
layman; amateur; nonprofessional
soil; earth
(idiom) take care to ...; be careful of ...
way of life; ecology
heed; pay attention to (usually used in the negative)
specimen; sample; the root cause and symptoms of a disease
weight; heft; amount
gaze; stare
reputation; prestige; trust
dusk; evening; nightfall
consult; seek advice
private; secretly; without permission
despair; feel like giving up/disappointing; pathetic
squander money without restraint; squander
shape; form; pattern
countermeasure for dealing with a situation
a whistle; sentry post
to suffer a calamity; go through a disaster
legacy; leave over; hand down
restore to the original state; (Chemistry) reduce
weak; frail
accuracy; exact; precise; refined
firm; secure; solid
overall situation
fig. lighthearted person; Daoist immortal; supernatural entity; (in modern fiction) fairy, elf, leprechaun, etc.; supernatural being, celestial being, immortal; a person who has the power of clairvoyance or who is free from worldly cares
collapse; disintegrate; crumble
dry in the air/sun; (colloquial) snub or ignore
notable; marked; outstanding; remarkable
promote to a higher job; elevate
able; competent
weaken; to cripple
the Lantern Festival
so that; as a result
artificial; man-made
for a time; at one time; one time; once
invitation card; written invitation
cut staff; lay off employees
a crystal; to crystallize
fireworks and crackers
amount; sum of money; fixed number
remorse; repentance
sharp; intense; penetrating
perpendicular; vertical
take leave; bid farewell
considerable; impressive
ceramics; pottery and porcelain
sincere; cordial; earnest
timid; coward
(of something that one finds has gone too far); rather a bit too
lair; nest; den; hideout
part; local
carve; engrave; sculpt
regulations; rule
rotten; decayed; decadent; degenerate
history; antecedents; origin
rub or roll between the hands or fingers; to twist
reader's involvement; suspense in a movie, place etc
temple; monastery
publicly know (to be); recognize; generally acknowledged
thwart; to obstruct (something); stand in the way
interval; intermission; gap; be separated
subsidy; allowance
headspring; fountainhead; water source
in short; in a word
warn; admonish
negotiate; discuss a matter with the opposing side
task; problem; issue; question for discussion
be reluctant to leave
livestock; domesticated animals
to instant-boil (mutton, beef, vegetables, etc.)
oppressive (of weather); heavy; depressed; withdrawn
to distort; to misrepresent; to twist; crooked; askew; aslant
chronic (disease); slow in taking effect
take good care of (or conserve) one's health; keep in good repair
mediation; bring together to an agreement
decline; fail; drop; falter
solid; three dimensional
goods and materials; commodity
ponder; contemplate; meditation
grade; quality; class; level
eagerly look forward to; earnestly wish; be only too anxious to
give up halfway; leave sth. unfinished
mull over (an issue); hold a preliminary round of exploratory discussions
space flight
public opinion
faucet; tap
stem; root; trunk; (mw for plants)
corresponding; counterpart
go bad; deteriorate; metamorphism
to exploit
dispute; controversy; conflict
main stream (of a river); the essential point
in front of
entrap; to frame; plant false evidence against sb.
to weave; to knit; to plait; to braid; to crochet
oar; paddle
to make trouble without reason (idiom); wilfully make trouble; to be deliberately provocative; deliberately awkward; pointless provocation
dumbfounded; stupefied; distracted; (spoken) blunt; rash
to chew
to stop; obstruct; block off
fun; interest; delight; taste
to elaborate (on a theme); to expound (the classics); to do sth. half-heartedly or just for show; barely enough to get by; perfunctory; apathetic; to skimp; to botch
tie up; bundled
submit an expense account; apply for reimbursement; write off
end; close; stop; expiration
fill the air; permeate; to suffuse
wide; vast
facial features; looks; appearance
contain; accommodate; tolerate (different options)
natural gas
rent; lease
make an exception
reprieve from death; life force; vitality
not just in name only; but also in reality
impart; pass on; teach
gossip; digression
together with; along with
authentic, orthodox; old school
restrict; constrained; ill at ease; reticent
to limit; confine; restrict or confine sth.
employment; getting a job
purpose; objective; aim; goal
respond to; answer
peaceful relations; harmonious
upper reaches (of a river); advanced position
special tricks
sunny and cloudless
aspiration; ambition
outgoing and cheerful; optimistic; carefree; spacious and well-lit
enthusiasm; energy; drive
space inside mouth (oral cavity)
curdle; freeze; solidify; congeal
pause; halt
special-purpose trip
(political, moral) corruption; embezzle
bind; wind; twirl; twist; intertwine
good fortune
dissolve; solution
correct; correction
day by day; more and more; increasingly
alleviate; to moderate; to ease (tension)
bald; blunt
profit; gain
to sigh
within one's power; to the best of one's ability
leisurely; calm
calm and collected; not nervous
ambiguous; shady
feel sorry for a person; sympathize; to regret
extract ore or some other natural resource from a mine
superior; superiority
bright; clear-cut; distinct
consecutive; arrangement; orderliness
elegant; refined
to shield; to harbor; cover up
quenched; moist
formerly; in olden days
effect; result
function; performance
totally willing; perfectly happy to
stingy; mean; miserly
essential factor; key constituent
carefree and without worries
struggle; wrestle
grave; solemn; dignified
grand; imposing; magnificent; grand
be pregnant; to produce offspring; nurture (a development, school of thought, artwork, etc.)
rush about; be busy running about
always; all along
have the courage to; be brave enough
(saying) smooth sailing
old fashioned; outmoded; obsolete
boundless; vast and obscure
embroider; embroidery
delicate; meticulous
field; open country
to ruin; devastate; vandalize
matter; item
(mathematical) operation
grumble; complaint
to climb; clamber; to pull oneself up
wife's mother; mother-in-law
agglomeration; agglomerate; cohesion; coherence
to be restrained or moderate
circulate; currency
sequence; order
criticize; critique
irritable; impetuous; impatient
think deeply; ponder
highest peak; the tip; sharp pointed end; most advanced and sophisticated
setting sun
revive; restore
volume; bulk
humble; modest; humility
gap; breach; shortfall
ready-made; off-the-shelf
lead; command; head
nothing but; only
ability; competence
ignorant; benighted; backwards
outlook; prospect; to look ahead; look forward to
wall; barrier; protective screen
(informal) elder brother's wife; sister-in-law
become inflamed from infection or injury
sheet music
migrate; move; change one's residence
unseeing; ignorant; have no knowledge of sth.
(saying) talking non-stop; gushing; torrential
winding; zigzag; complicated
alarm; alert; startle; disturb
to compress
awaken; arousal; realize
demand; ask for; to exact
to signal; to hint; to gesture; to motion; to indicate (an idea to sb)
deep; extreme; low pitched (sound); grave; reserved (of a person)
consolidate; solidify
expound (a position); elaborate (on a topic)
suitable for; appropriate for
take an interest in; get involved with
ruin; corrupt; undermine
invitation card; written invitation
waste; spend; consume
to be in flood; to overflow (the banks); to inundate; to spread unchecked
to train; nurture; to breed
stagnation; be at a standstill; bogged down
strictly prohibit; forbid
turning point; shift in the trend of events; plot twist in a book
cite (in dispatches); commend
a certain number or amount; how many; how much
control; curb; restrict; impede
anxiety; worried
blistering hot; sizzling hot (weather)
trade-off; weigh pros and cons
power socket
take measure of; size up
socialize with; a social engagement
mystery; enigma; profound; deep
loud and clear; resounding
divide up; differentiate
subsidiary; auxiliary; affiliate; attached
feel inferior; be self-abased
to bloom; be in full flower
(used in reference to an ocean, river, lake etc.) violently surge up; turbulent
willpower; perseverance; will; stamina; tenacity
work ethic
(literally) help shoots grow by pulling them out; spoil things by excessive enthusiasm
the most pressing matter of the moment; a top priority task; urgent matter
oppose; to counter
add to; increase
estrangement; misunderstanding
for example; for instance; such as
target; norm; index; indicator
filthy; vulgar; debased
appropriate; proper; well-arranged
firm and substantial; solid
announcement; public information (usually posted on a billboard)
appearance; looks; features
male and female; winners and losers
to overlap
differ; difference
profound; deep
meticulous; careful; thorough
fierce; ferocious; menacing
cast (pour metal into a mold)
wither; withered
throw something a long distance; hurl
rapid; sudden
future prospects; aspiration; promise
exceptional; excellent; outstandingly good
special topic; questions; special matter or subject
agitate; instigate
(literally) add frost to snow; one disaster after another; insult added to injury
transfer (technology, good, etc.); make over
make/deliver a speech
track and field
feel about; grope around; fumble
to discharge; emit
aunt; wife of father's older brother
to raise; to rear (domestic animal)
humor; yield; adapt to; accommodate (something)
boat (Kangxi radical 137)
fishy (smell)
improve; to reform
arrangement; composition; layout
(international) exhibition
hardworking; diligent; industrious
serious; formidable; devastating; (-hài: advantages and disadvantages)
cancellation; delete; to nullify; to expire and thus lose validity
line-up (sports); troop arrangement
standard; norm; specification
take every aspects into consideration through plan and preparation
simple and crude (i.e. room or building)
simplify; simplification
firm; decisive
extract and purify (ore, minerals, etc.); refine
only; just (i.e. it is only that ...); alone
think back over something that happened; to reflect; introspection
unreasonable; absurd; outrageous
attachment; enclosure
cause; result in
daydream; fantasy
in a difficult position or situation; in a tight corner; scoundrel! (derogatory)
clear; limpid
form; specification; format
policy; guidelines
speculate (on financial markets); congenial; opportunistic
drought; dry
have a reunion; reunite as a family
noisy; raucous
call upon; summon; to appeal
stare blankly; daze off
a bonus; to award a bonus; to draw or recieve dividends; to share profits
desolate; feel like no one likes you
promulgate; to issue; publish (e.g a decree)
refreshed; rejuvenated | frank
listless; be dispirited; in low spirits
consult a reference; refer to (another document)
realistic; feasible; conscientiously
bumper crop; have a good harvest
form a complete set
pass away; to die
burst forth; burst out
chairman of the board
wise; brilliant
concise; brief
balance; scale; steelyard
Rectify; consolidate; reorganise ; sort out
write off; erase; remove from evidence
enlightened; open-minded
width; margin; extent
awe-inspiring authority; power and prestige; impressive force
to press; to squeeze; to extract juice, oil, etc. by squeezing
accomplishment; self-cultivation
hidden danger
sincere; sincerity; genuine
declare; report (to customs or other authority)
narrow; tight; narrow (minded); lacking in experience
capital (financial)
efficiency; effectiveness
settle up the bill; close an account
detain; retention
to bring under control; to govern; to manage
diesel fuel; kerosene
free; no charge; at no cost
metabolism (bio); (saying) the new replaces the old
degrees Celsius
one after another; in a row; in succession
stir up troubles
fork in the road; turn off; diverge
daughter-in-law; son's wife
strenuous; exhausted
advisor; give advice
collude with; collaborate; gang up
(social or political) turmoil; unrest; upheaval
abundant; plentiful; vigorous
meet; meeting; conference
second place; runner-up
to host (a conference or sports event)
to squint; to take a nap | get something in one's eye
in fashion; prevalent; prevail
unimpeded; unclogged; free-flowing; straight path; to expedite
unfamiliar; strange; out of practice
height above sea level; elevation
refined; educated; cultured; intellectual; men of letters; scholars; literati; polite; gentle
suspend; hang; suspension (cable car)
pile up; accumulate
tough and durable; hard-bitten; firm and tenacious
cast aside; spurn
consciousness; awareness; (Buddhist) enlightenment
spontaneous; unprompted
crack; gap between two objects
callous; cruel; cold-blooded
denomination; group; school; faction; school of thought; sect
to capture; to take
will; intent; disposition
break new ground (for agriculture); development
unique; unconventional; fancy
begin an undertaking; start a major task; start a company
troublesome; bothersome
be scheduled for; last for (a certain duration)
upright; regular; proper; correct
harbor; estuary
document; literature
revere; admire; veneration
contrast; compare
media; medium
punish; punishment; discipline; disposal
friendly; polite; amiable
overbearing; despotic hegemony; rule by force; (of liquor, medicine, etc.) strong
sigh or grasp in admiration; highly praise
bitter and astringent; pained; agonized; anguished
shrug; towering; shock (alarm)
(school) subject
decorate; an ornament; beautify; embellish; be the finishing touch
sing the praise of; extol; eulogize
create a hybrid; cross-fertilize
for the moment; for the time being; temporarily
enjoin; to tell; exhort
to treat somebody coldy; to snub; desolate; to give the cold shoulder
(literally) not one thread loose; strictly according to the rules; meticulous
slow; sluggish
a wink; signal with one's eyes
to soak
column (in a newspaper,TV,etc)
in an orderly way; methodically; systematically; methodical
to express sympathy; consolation; extend regards to; salute
prestige; reputation; veneration; authority; trust
obvious at a glance
(idiom) self reliance
current events; the present situation
new and original; novel
in high spirits
anchor; mooring (of a ship)
stubborn; unbending
look down at; overlook
for generations; generation to generation
draw close; close up; move up
practical; down-to-earth; realistic; feel at ease; steadfast
base oneself on; be established; have a footing
property management
fresh water; potable water (water with low salt content)
lever; pry bar; crowbar; financial leverage
plain; simple; austerity
open up; to start; to build
become a household name; well-known
setback; twists and turns; problem; complication
crowd together; thicket; collection
and then (what follows next)
ask for instructions
absolutely unrestrained; unbridled; without the slightest scruple
to establish; to institute
great kindness; boundless hospitality
wolf down one's food (idiom); gorge oneself
frame; framework; skeleton
immediately (after); soon after; immediately
(financial) deficit; red ink
draft (legislation, proposal, etc.)
simplify; cut; reduce
swelling or lump on skin
occasionally; often, but not at any fixed time
prose; essay
handicraft; handiwork
oblivion; bury; neglect
moral character; morality; morals
bias; deviation
provided that; supposing that; if; in case
be easy; be convenient for
grand; majestic
popular; common; everyday; average; vulgar
load and unload; to transfer
to set off; serve as a foil to
examine; check up on
flourishing; bustling; prosperous
native/mother tongue
down to; up to; to such an extent as to...
a foot's move sways the balance; hold the balance of power; play a key role
vague; faint; indistinct
harmonious; harmony
difference; error; inaccuracy
prove a point; expound on; argumentation
annotate; annotation; note; make notes in the margin
greasy or oily (food)
summary; abstract
temporarily; the time being
in general; more or less; on the whole
unforeseen event; accident
develop; make full use of; to carry on
ask a rhetorical question; answer a question with a question
work hard for sth.; determined not to fall short
equally matched; about the same
be published; to come out
lit. on brocade, add flowers (idiom); to decorate sth already perfect / gilding the lily
study intensively; delve into
mourning; memorial (service, etc.)
sprout; bud; germ of a plant
cube; (mw cubic units of measure)
great waves; billows
sow seeds; sowing; seed
exchanging conventional greetings; winter and summer
by every possible means
aggravate; intensify; sharpen; accelerate; exacerbate
clever; witty; intelligent
calligraphy; penmanship
make forward progress; do better
to display; to exhibit
the equator
think about; heart; one's bosom (the seat of emotions); breast; broad-minded and open
vast and limitless; endless span of time; no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end
post; lean on a stick; prop
love dearly; the pain of love
to fawn on; curry favor with
make every effort; do one's best
not worth seeing; disdain as beneath contempt
keep within limits; contain; restrain; hold back
supervise and urge sb. to complete a task
put emphasis on; to stress
affix one's seal; seal; stamp
ellipse; oval
work hard; look after
knowledge gained
publication; periodical; journal
cervical vertebra; the seven cervical vertebrae in the neck of humans and most mammals
face to face; headlong; in one's face
happy; entirely free from worry
written rules; statute; regulations; charter of a corporation
expression; manner; spirited
grow; educate; cultivate
day and night; continuously without stop
be hostile; adopt a negative attitude towards
recruit; take in; to hire
flatter sb.; extol sb.'s accomplishments
position in a ranking of names
to advocate; propose; initiate
it goes without saying; it is self-evident
flabbergasted; astonished
fisherman; fisher folk
check in (baggage); consign for shipment
intentional; deliberate; with prior intent
avoid as a taboo; abstain from; taboo
guidance; lead to; direct something towards
long-winded; wordy; troublesome; pesky
changes; vicissitude
restrict; condition
make a list; enumerate
delicacy; good food
treat sb. unfairly
daring; resolution; boldness; courage
immediately; suddenly
spur on; urge on
you might as well (do it); simply; just; frankly; bluntly; directly
comic dialogue; crosstalk
spring up; emerge prominently
plain; sober; down-to-earth
admittedly; it is true that; indeed
whistle; scream; howl
sneer at; deride
azure; sky blue
stalk; stem
reply (to an accusation)
a kindly person; benevolent (often of older people)
the daily life of a family; home-style (food)
theory; doctrine
magnificence; splendid; majestic
turnover (in cash or personnel); have enough resources to cover a need
prosperous; thriving; to prosper
take example by; use other people's experience
wave in the wind; flutter; fly
spinning and weaving; textile
able to move unhindered; length and breadth
cut school; be truant from school
literature and art
up until; by (a specified time
mix together; have two dissimilar substances mixed together
brave and honorable
whereas...; on the other hand ...; conversely ...
always; throughout (a period of time)
propriety; the limits of proper speech or action
gather together; cause a commotion
to implement; put into practice; carry out
hold in store; contain untapped quantities
be equal to; equally; equivalent
riverbank; side; boundary
to slander
tip of a branch
to drill; to practice
assist by the arm; mix; support; sustain
make an initial draft; draw up
a wide gap; big contrast; large disparity; a mismatch
dutiful; deferential
(saying) to sum it up ...
diversify; diversification
cause a scene
breast-feeding; to suckle
enlighten; enlightenment; instruct the young; to initiate
common saying; proverb
go/drive against the traffic; go in the wrong direction; regress; retrograde
negative connotation; derogatory sense
complete a construction project
to keep as a souvenir
Consider; deliberate
incite disharmony; provoke; stir up tension in others
to contract (to undertake a job)
strong; sturdy; practical
intrinsic/inherent to something; native
deficit; (financial) loss
bitter cold; severe winter
steep; precipitous
politely refuse
complacent; self-satisfied
scribble; smear; doodle
legal entity (i.e., a corporation)
defective or substandard products
terrain; topography of a place
worthwhile; reckon up
work hard; do all one can to; strive for/argue strongly
secretary; clerk
shelter from; keep out
meat or fish dish; pungent vegetables forbidden to Buddhist vegetarians
(flower) bud
warship; naval vessel
function; role
dense; thick (fog, clouds, etc.)
discuss; talk over
structure; pattern
deep-rooted; ingrained; inveterate (problem, etc.)
tremble; to shiver; to quiver
as soon as possible; at the earliest possible time
cut the ribbon at an opening ceremony
vast; extensive
exuberance; luxuriant
unprecedented and unrepeatable; never to be reduplicated; the first and the last; unmatched; unique
self-criticism; analyze
in every possible way; meticulously
carry over one's shoulder or slung on one's side
stand side by side; be juxtaposed
substantial material benefit; advantageous (deal)
is bound to (happen)
continue the struggle; persist; unremitting efforts
prosperous; flourishing
general mood; atmosphere; common practice
partial; scattered; fragmentary
abundant; strong and solid; rich
to join together; to link (especially transport)
pleasing to the eye; beautiful; artistic
love something too much to part with it
(saying) eyes brimming with tears; extremely moved
to slight; give somebody a cold shoulder; treat somebody in a cold manner
ambition; resolve; backbone; drive; spirit
malpractice; abuse; corrupt practice
hum and haw (idiom); mumble as if hiding something; speak and break off, then start again; to hold something back
cautious and conscientious
grow with each passing day
repeat an agreement; copy sb.'s action or words
make an adjustment
to see what is right and act courageously (idiom, from Analects); to stand up bravely for the truth; acting heroically in a just cause
find sth. satisfactory; very satisfying
appearance; looks; manner; expression
adapt gradually to each other; to consult; break in; wear in
short in time duration; fleeting; brief
abound in; teem with; superabundant
spirit; daring; nerve; boldness; enterprising outlook
expand; extend
at sb.'s invitation
repeatedly; time and again; frequently
momentum; fame and power; prestige
to ban; suppress
gluttonous; greedy; to crave
prevent and cure
seek; strive for; try to get
workable; implement
put an end to
levy (fine); impose (tariff)
chemical fertilizer
inspect and then accept (i.e. received goods
deaf and dumb; deaf-mute
to pay (taxes)
traditional Chinese character
overpass; one road goes on top of another; cloverleaf intersection
discuss seriously; consult; negotiate
rare; precious and uncommon
to influence (positively)
water conservancy; irrigation works
widespread; popular; popularize
eager for success and profit
make steady progress incrementally; step by step program
(idiom) emerge more and more; innumerable succession; breeding like flies
nearby; in a close neighborhood
be practical and realistic; seek truth from facts
complete; perfect
would rather ...; it would be better
family happiness
bear hardships; suffer
suggest; propose
work and rest
striving to be first; compete with each other
look in all directions; glance around
backbone; mainstay
stop up; shelter from; hard to get to; unenlightened
lacking; incomplete
arable land; to plow land
look at with reverence; admire
attractive goods at inexpensive prices
be convinced
tributary; minor aspect; offshoot
suddenly see the light; suddenly realize what has happened; twig
aesthetic sense; appreciation of the arts
establish; to found; to settle
urge again and again; exhort; repeatedly warn
pavilion; kiosk
kill two birds with one stone; (literally) attain two objectives with a single move
experienced and knowledgeable
rough draft of a document
draw legs on a snake (idiom); to ruin something by adding something superfluous
to precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution); to settle
to beckon; to invite bids
delicate; effeminate; squeamish
gardens; park; landscape
fears of trouble in the rear (idiom); family worries (obstructing freedom to act); trouble back at home; worries about the future consequences; often in negative expressions, meaning no worries about anything
an instant (Sanskrit: ksana); split second
in high spirits
sum up; total
can't help; cannot but
(literally) I dare not accept the honor; you flatter me
red clouds
dense; thick
cut down; lop; hew (as a tree); fell
according to reports; it is reported (that)
tall and straight
lament; sigh with emotion or regret
feudal; feudalism
rely on; depend on
year after year; on an annual basis
virtuous and dutiful (of women)
concentrate one's attention
(saying) meticulous planning and careful accounting
flourishing; thriving; prosperous
change with each passing day
guard a pass; check on
the gains do not outweigh the losses
notice; bulletin
demand immediate action; brook no delay
(saying) demand outstrips supply
kitchen range; cooking range; stovetop range
proportion; specific gravity
be lost in thought; entranced; preoccupation; Trance (music genre)
survival of the fittest
prerequisites; knowledge requirement
border area; borderland; frontier; frontier region
program; guiding principle
the first month of the lunar calendar
develop vigorously; promote; revive; revitalize; invigorate; re-energize
to forget even sleeping and eating
dam; dyke
(of a surface) uneven; bumpy
village and town
difficult of attainment, hence worthy of esteem; deserving praise for one's excellent performance or behaviour; estimable; commendable
keep on chipping away; work with perseverance
investigate; dialectical
exert a subtle influence on sb.'s character, thinking, etc.; impercebtibly influence; to influence secretly
off season; slow business season
Qi Gong, a system of deep breathing exercises
without hesitation; resolutely; firmly
healthy environment; healthy atmosphere
dynasty; reign (of a king)
to chop the nail and slice the iron (idiom); resolute and decisive; definitely
microscopic; sub atomic
honest; incorruptible
preface of a book, used to explain the book's objective
macro-; macroscopic
successive dynasties; past dynasties
local conditions (human and environmental)
bold and generous; heroic
ships; boats; watercraft
courtesy requires reciprocity
provincial capital
investigate and capture (a criminal); ferret out
full of youthful energy (idiom); full of vigour and vitality; energetic; spirited; a bright spark
malady; evil; malpractice; drawback
yet; still; even; also
extroverted; export-oriented (economy)
types or forms of literature
lit. a heavy load and a long road; fig. to bear heavy responsibilities through a long struggle; shoulder heavy responsibilities
unexpectedly; to one's surprise
not even a crow or sparrow can be heard (idiom); silence reigns
praise excessively; flatter
sweetness comes after bitterness; the hard times are over and the good times are just beginning
(saying) improving and wanting to improve even more
place of one's ancestry
rice crops/paddy
muddy; dirty; turbid
(saying) flowing of an endless stream
gifts of money given to children during the Spring Festival
attract worldwide attention
successive years; over many years; once again this year
endless stream
content with what one has
(saying) with gusto; eagerly; with great interest
congratulate the New Year; wish sb. a Happy New Year
impatient for success
third in a race; bronze medalist
at odds with; act in a way that defeats one's purpose
public security bureau
jet-black; pitch-black
stuffing; filling
have a get-together
supplement and complement each other
raise animals
Chinese zodiac
with justice on one's side, one is bold and assured; to have the courage of ones convictions; just and forceful
leading scholar of his time; magnate
bask in the light; benefit from association with sth.; reflected glory
positive and negative; plus-minus
cheongsam; Chinese-style dress
everyone gives their own view
speak frankly and in measured tones; argue about leisurely and boldly
increase step by step; steadily increase
eager; enthusiastically
down jacket
warp and woof; longitude and latitude; main points
written summary of a meeting; minutes
smoke from kitchen chimneys
temperate zone
earnest; genuine; fair-spoken
enjoy exceptional advantages; richly endowed by nature
a delight to see (idiom); an attractive spectacle
broad and profound
hardworking and thrifty
agricultural calendar; lunar calendar
host for a party or conference
experienced many changes
birds and animals; the beasts of the field and the birds of the air
Dragon Boat Festival
profound friendship
knight-errant; a genre of swordplay martial arts movies and books
put up with; accept somewhat reluctantly
rhyming couplet; vertical written couplet usually placed along either side of a doorway
overseas Chinese